CS121 - Introduction to Programming - Section 02
Spring 2021
Instructor: Collins, Nichole A.
Credit Hours: 4.0 | Theory Hours: | Lab Hours:

This course presents computer programming language along with a model of how a computer works as a problem-solving machine. Basic programming concepts such as variables, flow control, and functions will be explored. Introduction to programming with C++, Java, and HTML using variables, loops, functions, and objects. Prerequisite: CS105.

Course Number: CS121
Section: 02
Days: -M-W-F-
Class Begins: 01/19/21
Class Ends: 05/14/21
Times: 9:00AM - 9:50AM
Campus: Online Course
Building: EWEB
Instructor: Collins, Nichole A.
Registered/Maximum: 8/20

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