CS130 - Introduction to Networking - Section 01
Spring 2018
Instructor: Collins, Nichole A.
Credit Hours: 4.0 | Theory Hours: | Lab Hours:

This course introduces the student to local- and wide-area networks, OSI 7 layer model switches routers, and TCP/IP. Topics covered may lead a student to pass the Network+ test. Topics include: network protocols, connections and topologies. Network security will be addressed as part of the curriculum. Prerequisite: CS105.

Course Number: CS130
Section: 01
Days: -M-W-F-
Class Begins: 01/16/18
Class Ends: 05/11/18
Times: 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Campus: Main Campus
Building: TECH
Room: 125A
Instructor: Collins, Nichole A.
Registered/Maximum: 13/16


Title Edition Author ISBN Price Publisher
Guide to Networking Essentials 6th Tomsho 9781111312527 None Cengage

© 2013  |  Luna Community College  |  366 Luna Drive Las Vegas, NM 87701  |  800-588-7232
