DENT160L - Dental Radiology Lab - Section 02
Fall 2018
Instructor: Pacheco, Gloria B.
Credit Hours: 0.0 | Theory Hours: | Lab Hours:

The study and definition of radiation physics, health and safety theories with emphasis on fundamentals, the discovery and history of dental X-ray techniques and processing. Emphasis is on study and review for certification by the New Mexico Board of Dentistry Radiology before student participates in Clinical Training/Practicum I. Includes dental laboratory techniques, introduction to recording and interpreting, utilizing manual and computerized systems. Prerequisites: AH113, CSA150, ENG111, MATH075, PSYC101 and SPCH111 or SPCH112. Corequisites: DENT109, DENT118, DENT119, DENT128, DENT145 and DENT167.

Course Number: DENT160L
Section: 02
Days: --T----
Class Begins: 08/20/18
Class Ends: 12/07/18
Times: 1:00PM - 4:50PM
Campus: Main Campus
Building: AHC
Room: DO02
Instructor: Pacheco, Gloria B.
Registered/Maximum: 4/6
Other information:
This is a required lab for the corrisponding course.

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