

FDMA1545 - Intrdctn to Digital Photography

Credit Hours: 3.0

This course is a study of the principles and techniques of photography using digital equipment, and discusses
how digital cameras, imaging editing, and technology have changed the world of photography. Students will
learn about studies in resolution, lighting, software, editing, printing, and web applications. They will gain
fundamental knowledge in the rapidly expanding technology of photography and imaging, and be able to
incorporate the knowledge into all areas of digital graphics.

Spring 2021

Course Sec Days Beg Date End Date Times Campus
FDMA1545 07 -M-W--- 01/19/21 05/14/21 4:00PM - 5:50PM Online Course

Summer 2018

This course is not offered during the Summer 2018 semester.

Fall 2018

This course is not offered during the Fall 2018 semester.

Spring 2018

This course is not offered during the Spring 2018 semester.

© 2013  |  Luna Community College  |  366 Luna Drive Las Vegas, NM 87701  |  800-588-7232