HD260 - Critical Thinking & Prob Solving - Section 02
Spring 2021
Instructor: Baca, Richard
Spring 2021
Instructor: Baca, Richard
Credit Hours: 3.0 | Theory Hours: | Lab Hours:
This course prepares students to constructively analyze problems/issues; evaluate the validity of the problem statement or argument; identify relevant issues and assumptions; use logic, sound reasoning, and critical thinking skills to identify the best method/approach to use in analyzing and solving the problem; examine formal logic and common mistakes that are made in reasoning; and demonstrate evidence supporting alternative and optimal solutions/recommendations. Emphasis will be placed on practical application of the skills acquired throughout this course as well as on oral and written communication skills.
Course Number: | HD260 |
Section: | 02 |
Days: | -M-W-F- |
Class Begins: | 01/19/21 |
Class Ends: | 05/14/21 |
Times: | 9:00AM - 9:50AM |
Campus: | Main Campus |
Building: | |
Room: | |
Instructor: | Baca, Richard |
Registered/Maximum: | 9/24 |
Remark: |