MGMT209E - Human Resource Management (DL) - Section 01
Fall 2018
Instructor: Smith, Aaron G
Credit Hours: 4.0 | Theory Hours: | Lab Hours:

This course will define the role of human resource management by introducing students to the level of critical thinking skills required to successfully manage people and business. Students will also cover the various aspects of human resource functions and their importance in managing successful organizations. Emphasis is placed on the importance of labor laws, employee benefits, and the development of personal management skills.

Course Number: MGMT209E
Section: 01
Days: -------
Class Begins: 08/20/18
Class Ends: 12/07/18
Times: TBA
Campus: Online Course
Building: EWEB
Instructor: Smith, Aaron G
Registered/Maximum: 13/15
Other information:
This is an Online course.


Title Edition Author ISBN Price Publisher
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 5th Gary Dessler 9780134890401 None Pearson

© 2013  |  Luna Community College  |  366 Luna Drive Las Vegas, NM 87701  |  800-588-7232