MGMT218E - Prncpls - Small Bus Mngmnt (DL) - Section 01
Spring 2018
Instructor: Duran, Melissa
Spring 2018
Instructor: Duran, Melissa
Credit Hours: 4.0 | Theory Hours: | Lab Hours:
This course provides students with extensive knowledge of the steps needed to start and run a small business. Topics include; entrepreneurial opportunities, preparing the business plan, marketing and managing small business operations, financial and administrative controls, and social and legal environment.
Course Number: | MGMT218E |
Section: | 01 |
Days: | ------- |
Class Begins: | 01/16/18 |
Class Ends: | 05/11/18 |
Times: | TBA |
Campus: | Online Course |
Building: | EWEB |
Room: | |
Instructor: | Duran, Melissa |
Registered/Maximum: | 21/20 |
Remark: | This course is Asynchronous |
This is an Online course.
Title | Edition | Author | ISBN | Price | Publisher |
Launching & Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures | Longenecker/Petty/Palich/Holy | 9781305405745 | None | Cengage |