MUS108E - Music Appreciation (DL) - Section 01
Fall 2018
Instructor: Mathews, Billie G
Credit Hours: 3.0 | Theory Hours: | Lab Hours:

A non-technical course designed to expand the student's ability to listen actively. Repertoire includes analysis of selected recordings of compositions from the Classical Period through Modern Music. NM Common Course Number: MUSI1113.

Course Number: MUS108E
Section: 01
Days: -M-W---
Class Begins: 08/20/18
Class Ends: 12/07/18
Times: 7:00PM - 8:15PM
Campus: Online Course
Building: EWEB
Instructor: Mathews, Billie G
Registered/Maximum: 14/20
Other information:
This is an Online course.

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