Liberal Arts
Associate of Arts degree

The hallmark of a liberal arts education is the preparation it gives the student for lifelong learning and personal enhancement. While technical skills may become obsolete over time, skills gained through liberal arts coursework will not. Almost every profession requires the student to communicate, write, solve social problems, adapt to new situations, analyze information, and interact with a variety of people. These are skills assembled through liberal arts and are of great value to any employer.
General Education Core (36 hours)
Area I. Communications (9 hours)
ENG111 | Freshman Composition I | 3 credits |
ENG115 | Freshman Composition II | 3 credits |
SPCH111 | Public Speaking | 3 credits |
Area II. Mathematics (4 hours)
MATH180 | College Algebra | 4 credits |
Area III. Laboratory Science (8 hours)
Area IV. Social and Behavioral Sciences (6 hours)
Area V. Humanities and Fine Arts (9 hours)
Program Requirement (3 hours)
HD260 | Critical Thinking and Problem Solving | 3 credits |
Related Studies (3 hours)
CSA150 | Computer Fundamentals | 3 credits |
Approved Electives (19 hours)
ART106 | Introduction to Drawing | 3 credits |
ART146 | Drawing II | 3 credits |
ENG121 | Introduction to Creative Writing/Fiction | 3 credits |
ENG140 | Modern Literature: The American Novel Since 1945 | 3 credits |
ENG220 | Short Fiction | 3 credits |
HIST220 | History of New Mexico | 3 credits |
MUS108 | Music Appreciation | 3 credits |
MUS208 | Music History | 1 credits |
PSYC258 | Abnormal Psychology | 3 credits |
SPAN101 | Beginning Spanish I | 3 credits |
SPAN102 | Beginning Spanish II | 3 credits |
SPCH112 | Interpersonal Communication | 3 credits |
SPCH212 | Organizational Communication | 3 credits |
THTR125 | Acting I | 3 credits |
Note: No more than one credit hour in physical education may be used to satisfy the 22 credit hour approved electives requirement. Courses may only be used once to satisfy any general education core, program and approved elective requirements. Additional approved elective courses can be selected from Area IV and V of LCC’s General Education Core Curriculum. Students are strongly encouraged to consult with their LCC advisor for proper advising and course selection.
Program Director: Dr. Anita Roybal
Phone: (505)454-2565Email:
Program Advisor: Sara Vigil
Phone: (505)454-2592Email:
Student Success Center Personnel
Director: Renee Maestas
Phone: (505)454-5355Email:
Advisor: Janice Medrano
Phone: (505)454-2546Email: